Main Classes & Levels

Here you can find the explanation of the Shag levels and Balboa levels of the Main Tracks.

Main Track passes will be 160 € (Early Bird until January 31th) / 170 € (regular) for a total of 5 hours of classes and 3 Parties with live bands. Special Classes on Saturday and Sunday are only 13 € when added to a Main Track pass (25 € if you do not take a main class pass).


(exact rooms and details in the schedule are still subject to change)

Levels Shag

Attracted (Level 1)

You have acquired a fundamental repertoire of Shag basics, e.g. through the Monday course with the „Golden Fifties“ in Karlsruhe. This level is for you, if you can already dance relaxed in slow-slow-quick-quick basic at up to 190 bpm. Some figures you should be familiar with are, for example, tuck-turns, passes or even collegiate kicks. You may already be able to do more than one footwork in basic (e.g. the step tap). You are hungry for new moves and want to feel more confident on the dance floor.

Not quite there yet? Start attending the Monday beginner Shag classes in Karlsruhe and you’ll be ready in time to participate in this Fast Feet Level.

Aspiring (Level 2)

As an aspiring dancer, you’ve been dancing regularly in class and socials for at least a year and may have participated in a few workshops to get a feeling for what’s happening beyond your local scene. In addition to simple basic figures, you can already lead and follow some variations with confidence. You are comfortable dancing moves you already know on faster music (200 bpm and up). You know a few or even all of these moves: Collegiate Kicks, Bunny Hops, Sugar Push, Shag out.

Take this class if you prefer a faster rate of new input. If you attend the advanced Monday training and feel confident, this is for you.

Addicted (Level 3)

You’ve been dancing shag regularly for several years and travel to (international) workshops. You are expected to know common moves well enough to dance them while focusing on changing the rhythm, for example. You dance to all tempos and have lost count of how many moves you can dance. In dance, your focus is on connection, musicality and improvisation.

If you are looking for challenges – this class is for you.

Levels Balboa

Riser (Level 1)

You have already taken some Balboa classes and know basic figures such as the down-hold, come-around, throw-out* and are able to dance in both, open and close position comfortably up to 180 bpm (medium tempo). You are ready to discover more, would like to improve technical skills, feel more comfortable and connected. Let’s boost confidence, feel relaxed and musical, and learn some new tricks!

*You can use these reference videos by CalBal for level-checking the different tracks.

Lover (Level 2)

You feel confident on the dance floor and enjoy dancing in open and closed position with different partners to faster tunes (above 180 bpm). You know pure-bal and bal-swing basics, such as side-steps, paddle-steps, out-and-ins, lollies, swivels,* and are ready to work on styling, movement and flow. In this level we will extend your repertoire and focus on technique and mechanics in order to express yourself with style and creativity! 

Note: The second block of Balboa Level 2 is at the same time as the special classes, so you have the choice between two topics for your second block of the day. During booking, you can choose which one you prefer.

*You can use these reference videos by CalBal for level-checking the different tracks.