
This years Fast Feet Charlie takes place in the Canisiushaus and the Nebenius school gym, both located in Karlsruhe Südstadt. Both locations are in short walking distance of each other.

Parking spots are very hard to find in this quarter, please consider arriving by tram / bike / means of your choice.

Canisiushaus (main location)

The Canisiushaus is the main location of our event.
There you will find:

  • the Registration Desk (top floor)
  • the Party Hall (top floor)
  • the small class room (basement)


Augartenstraße 51, 76137 Karlsruhe
Google Maps

Nebeniusschule Gym

Not too far south from our main location you can find the gym of the Nebeniusschule.
It’s a 5 minute walk away from Canisiushaus.


Entry located opposite Marienstraße 97, 76137 Karlsruhe
Google Maps